HISTORY: Isabella was adopted into the Smith family July 18, 2008. She had been born 2-months prematurely, and was 2 months old when we got her. One week later, she suddenly had a breathing crisis and was rushed to the hospital following a traumatic resuscitatation.
This was the begginning of a (now) seven month odyssey. Isabella suffers from Bronchial Displasia, related to premature lungs at birth. Whenever she gets a cold or flu bug, within hours it can become life-threatening.
Between medical incidents, Bella (or "Bellaboo" as Marc calls her) is strong, fat, healthy, robust, smart, active, alert. She is an EASY baby, happy, sleeps well, eats well. However, over 40% of her little life since birth has been spent in the Intensive Care Unit -- with either her Mommy or her Daddy at her side.
March 2, 2009: Bella Not Improved in ICU
Isabella, in the ICU since Thursday Feb 27, i s worse than when she went in. We hope the virus is at its worse and improvment lies ahead. Her lungs are filling up rapidly and she needs to have a tube inserted to aspirate, which causes discomfort and bleeding. She has had so many needles that she has no good veins left that can be found to adminster her medicines. One three occasions, over an hour was spent poking her in the arms, legs, neck and head trying to find a good vein (in the picture she has a needle in just above the ear). They finally found one in the neck today, Corenne left the ICU room for a short while, and Bella pulled the needle out. Now there are no more veins, and she is throwing up, so oral administration is very difficult. Isabella is very alert and very unhappy, which makes it that much harder on Mom, at her side.She MUST improve very quickly, because she is getting more and more tired from the treatment discomfort and her enormous breathing difficulty, which is making her weaker instead of stronger.