Friends –
Right now Isabella is in an induced coma. Any physical stimulation causes a dangerous plunge in her vital signs (even putting on her mittens). Right now she is hanging on by a string (in human terms, not in God terms). Sometimes it is by a thread. At other times it is by a rope. It is quite a roller coaster
The question is how long she will remain in ICU. It could be weeks, or even months in a worst case. Essentially, all they can do now is keep her sedated and wait for her lungs to heal and develop on their own. Now it truly is in the Lord’s hands.
Isabella is in a catch 22: high levels of air being pumped causes inflammation along lung walls. But lowering lung air pressure stresses her heart. The inflammation causes secretions and fills up her lungs. But moving her around to remove the liquid causes another crisis. Even medications were ceased, because they were causing dangerous stimulation to her fragile system.
Cor is staying at the hospital during the day, and I sleep there at night, in the waiting room adjoining the ICU. We plan to stay by her side until she comes home. Thanks for your continued prayers. Now is when we truly learn to wait upon the Lord!
HISTORY: Isabella was adopted into the Smith family July 18, 2008. She had been born 2-months prematurely, and was 2 months old when we got her. One week later, she suddenly had a breathing crisis and was rushed to the hospital following a traumatic resuscitatation.
This was the begginning of a (now) seven month odyssey. Isabella suffers from Bronchial Displasia, related to premature lungs at birth. Whenever she gets a cold or flu bug, within hours it can become life-threatening.
Between medical incidents, Bella (or "Bellaboo" as Marc calls her) is strong, fat, healthy, robust, smart, active, alert. She is an EASY baby, happy, sleeps well, eats well. However, over 40% of her little life since birth has been spent in the Intensive Care Unit -- with either her Mommy or her Daddy at her side.
This was the begginning of a (now) seven month odyssey. Isabella suffers from Bronchial Displasia, related to premature lungs at birth. Whenever she gets a cold or flu bug, within hours it can become life-threatening.
Between medical incidents, Bella (or "Bellaboo" as Marc calls her) is strong, fat, healthy, robust, smart, active, alert. She is an EASY baby, happy, sleeps well, eats well. However, over 40% of her little life since birth has been spent in the Intensive Care Unit -- with either her Mommy or her Daddy at her side.