Yesterday we came close to losing Isabella during five scary minutes, after all her vital signs plunged and they worked to resuscitate her. Her breathing tube had come loose, but they are not sure whether this caused the crisis, or whether it fell out during the resuscitation efforts.
Today she had a blood transfusion. This is a tricky procedure as it is hard to find her little vessels. But in the hours since the transfusion she has done real well, and we are encouraged.
- After 10 nights on the waiting room sofa I’ve already forgotten what a real bed feels like -- but as my Ethiopian brother Jerman reminded me, Isabella has a real family now. We are determined not to leave her alone.
- God has already answered our prayers of making Isabella a blessing in the lives of others. She has already brought us closer with family and friends. Greater things are yet in store for her!
- My sister Suzanna will arrive this evening for 14 days to help us through this time. I'm going to let her take a couple night shifts at the hospital so I can spend a couple nights at home.
HISTORY: Isabella was adopted into the Smith family July 18, 2008. She had been born 2-months prematurely, and was 2 months old when we got her. One week later, she suddenly had a breathing crisis and was rushed to the hospital following a traumatic resuscitatation.
This was the begginning of a (now) seven month odyssey. Isabella suffers from Bronchial Displasia, related to premature lungs at birth. Whenever she gets a cold or flu bug, within hours it can become life-threatening.
Between medical incidents, Bella (or "Bellaboo" as Marc calls her) is strong, fat, healthy, robust, smart, active, alert. She is an EASY baby, happy, sleeps well, eats well. However, over 40% of her little life since birth has been spent in the Intensive Care Unit -- with either her Mommy or her Daddy at her side.
This was the begginning of a (now) seven month odyssey. Isabella suffers from Bronchial Displasia, related to premature lungs at birth. Whenever she gets a cold or flu bug, within hours it can become life-threatening.
Between medical incidents, Bella (or "Bellaboo" as Marc calls her) is strong, fat, healthy, robust, smart, active, alert. She is an EASY baby, happy, sleeps well, eats well. However, over 40% of her little life since birth has been spent in the Intensive Care Unit -- with either her Mommy or her Daddy at her side.